go 4 arts.com - web based art promotion - virtual gallery
focused on Eastern European and Central Asian art. (c) Martin Vivian Huber
efimov pavel
fossil materials - mamuth bone and moorland oak- are the materials of the russian decoration designer and sculptor pavel elfimov. he was born 1970 in moscow artist family. perfectly trained and artistically talented, he creates non-standard jewelry as well as small sculptures. different diagrams complete his art work. the artist says:" i operate mainly with fossil materials e.g. mamuth bone, what laid thousands of years in the artic ice or moorland oak, shaped and colored by the run of the time. they all retained track of unaffectedness. by discovering its past life, extracting its shape from centuries-old, weathered fragments, i try to return it back to the life". the uniqueness of each of his works of art is not only determined by the material of choice but by again different interpretation of each factory. his selected material - mamuth bone and moorland oak - have energetic characteristics, which positively affects the human bio field.